Browsing kept secure and safe!

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Secure Web Browsing

Keep control while exploring online! New and old websites can pose unknown threats. The Secure Web Browsing extension gives you control over your experience. The easy to use extension allows you to check the safety of any website you visit by clicking the extension. The dropdown will inform you of any threats allowing you to take action to protect your computer.

Secure Web Searching

Threats are a constant concern while browsing online; however, no need to worry when you have the Secure Web Searching extension! The easy to access Chrome extension protects your browsing experience for free. It checks each website for threats, and informs you if the website you are visiting is safe or hazardous immediately. Fast and effective!

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Secure Web Browsing

Secure Web Searching

About Us

We are a tech group that look to improve the online browsing experience for users. The internet is a fabulous place to get information and enjoy entertainment, but it can also be a bit dangerous. Our Free tools can help protect you from hazardous websites. Our goal is to allow users a safer browsing experience for Free!